Oct 2

An Instrumented Methodology to Analyze and Categorize Information Flows on Twitter Using NLP and Deep Learning : A Use Case on Air Quality

Journal articles OHMi Pima Countyhalshs-01904917

Brigitte Juanals, Jean-Luc Minel

Sep 10

Categorizing Air Quality Information Flow on Twitter Using Deep Learning Tools

Journal articles OHMi Pima Countyhalshs-01800457

Brigitte Juanals, Jean-Luc Minel


Environmental regulations and sustainable mining in the semi-arid American southwest: perspectives from the National Environmental Protection Act process for the Rosemont mine project (Arizona)

Journal articles OHMi Pima Countyhal-02025323

Claude Le Gouill, Anne-Lise Boyer, Franck Poupeau, Lala Razafimahefa

Jul 16

Extractivismo y medio ambiente en Arizona: une zona minera transfronteriza?

Conference papers OHMi Pima Countyhal-02025337

Claude Le Gouill, Anne-Lise Boyer

Apr 12

Restoration in drylands, invasive species, and drought tolerance

Conference papers OHMi Pima Countyhalshs-03151546

Hannah Farrell

Apr 12

Land Cover changes as a proxy for human-environment interactions in Pima County

Conference papers OHMi Pima Countyhalshs-03151562

Fabrice Dubertret

Apr 12

Fitness and Vectorial Capacity of Aedes aegypti Mosquitoes in the Sonoran Southwest

Conference papers OHMi Pima Countyhalshs-03151547

Eileen Jeffrey Gutiérrez

Apr 12

SONATAS (Listening to the SOunds of NATure to undersTAnd global environmental changeS)

Conference papers OHMi Pima Countyhalshs-03151549

Anne Sourdril, Luc Barbaro

Apr 12

Effective Integrated Frameworks for Assessing Mining Sustainability

Conference papers OHMi Pima Countyhalshs-03151557

Mark Brusseau

Apr 12

Mining territories and migrations at the Arizona/Sonora border

Conference papers OHMi Pima Countyhalshs-03151552

Anne-Lise Boyer