Jan 27

Can the outdoor industry provide a pathway for economic transition in coal country?

Conference papers OHMi Pima Countyhalshs-03151627

Len Necefer

Jan 27

A Local Government Perspective on the Rosemont Mine Proposal

Conference papers OHMi Pima Countyhalshs-03151621

Julia Fonseca

Jan 27

Mining’s Changing Priorities

Conference papers OHMi Pima Countyhalshs-03151631

Brad Ross

Jan 27

New Approaches of Mining Education, Inclusive leadership and Diversity and Inclusion in Mining

Conference papers OHMi Pima Countyhalshs-03151628

Rosa Rojas


Paysages sonores. Appréhender les dynamiques des paysages et des territoires au travers des sons (de la nature)

Conference papers OHMi Pima Countyhalshs-03167306

Anne Sourdril, Luc Barbaro, Marc Deconchat


Integrated Assessment and Modelling of the Spatially Explicit Perceptions of Social Demands for Ecosystem Services

Book sections OHMi Pima Countyhalshs-03147794

Rositsa Yaneva, Joan Cortinas Muñoz


The paradoxes of restoring a dry river in the southwestern United States: the case of the Santa Cruz

Journal articles OHMi Pima Countyhalshs-03147493

Claire Néel, Anne-Lise Boyer, François-Michel Le Tourneau


Chapter 3. Communication and Environmental Health in Critical American Approaches

Book sections OHMi Pima Countyhal-02488490

Brigitte Juanals


A framework to assess mining within social-ecological systems

Journal articles OHMi Pima Countyhalshs-03129492

Claude Le Gouill, Franck Poupeau

Dec 20

“Think of your house as a watershed !” Rainwater harvesting in Tucson, Arizona : towards a diversified water supply in the southwestern United States ?

Journal articles OHMi Pima Countyhal-02447806

Anne-Lise Boyer, Yves-François Le Lay