- Details
A call for the valuation of research and data produced within the DRIIHM and the OHM is opened. The idea is to contribute to the financing of your actions of valuation, publication and mediation that you carry out within your winning research projects of the calls 2020 and 2022. Inter and intra-OHM valorization projects are also eligible.
The following may be supported
- participation in conferences to present the results of yourresearch (mission, registration fees, etc.)
- publication costs (publishing costs, Open Science costs, APC (Articles Processing Charges) paid within your project),
- translation costs,
- publishing costs of scientific books,
- the organization of scientific or popularization thematic symposium,
- and mediation actions towards the civil society, the institutions, the actors of the territory.
The submission of your applications is done via a questionnaire which is available from April 3rd: https://columbo.univ-amu.fr/index.php/864185?lang=fr
You can view the questionnaire before answering it via this PDF.
Planning of this call
Call opening: Monday, April 3rd, 2023
Deadline for submissions: May 15th, 2023
Responses to your applications: during June 2023